Thursday, July 21

This morning we packed up everything
at Campbell and took to the road. 
We have 3 ministry opportunities today. 
Our first stop was at the Baptist
Children's Home in Thomasville.

Our second stop was at FBC, Huntersville - Minister of Music, Eddie Haigler.  They fed us lunch and it was simply amazing.  Here is a picture of the wonderful people that fed us.

Runaway dog at the concert

Returning the puppy to its owner

Kenya Missionary couple
Next we gave a concert at the Taylor Glen Retirement Home.  It was herethat we found a divine appointment. After singing for the residents, the studentswent and sang for a Kenya missionary couplea Swahili song.  The lady only has a few
more days to live.  The husband and wife
displayed genuine love for each other as the students sang this song for them.  It was a
time when the presence of God moved
so many to tears touched by God's love.. 

On Thursday night, we worshiped with the congregation at FBC, Mooresville.  Before the concert, they fed us a scrumptious meal.  Here is a picture of Sanctuary Choir members and Minister of Music, Eddie Hicks that provided our meal.

The music presentations in the beautiful sanctuary were outstanding by the choir.
Here is a glimpse of the setting for the night's concert.